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Marine Biogeochemistry Training School

Our colleague Fátima Abrantes organized the “Marine Biogeochemistry Training School on: Biogeochemical and ecological dimensions of a changing ocean” at CCMAR (Faro). This course invited well recognized international professors and allowed for a unique training opportunity that is not available in any institution.

The aim of the course was to provide students (MSc and PhD) and young Researchers, with an exceptional opportunity to gain a better understanding of the marine biogeochemical cycles and large-scale distribution of biological utilized elements and/or tracers of oceanographic processes. The course covered: (1) the modern ocean distributions and biogeochemical cycles of the elements that regulate marine ecosystem dynamics; (2) the distribution of elements, which can be important tracers for oceanographic processes both via conceptual and numerical modeling; and (3) the use of such elements and their isotopes as proxies for reconstruction of past conditions.

For more information about the course go to:

Participants and professors of the course



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